A gentle and delicate treatment that relieves muscle tension, increases circulation and promotes a sense of general relaxation. This massage is performed with Swedish techniques consisting of long rhythmic movements and small circular movements that help dissolve adhesions and promote better circulation.
Unlike deep tissue massages, a relaxing massage does not target the connective tissue of the muscles. It is not intended to treat sports injuries or other discomforts and is instead used to reduce muscle tension by returning the body to a relaxed state. Many people seek relaxing massages after a long week of work or to improve their mental health.
A form of body work aimed mainly at athletes, but it can also be applied to people who do not practice professional sports, regardless of age, type of sport and level.
It reduces muscle tension, lowers cortisol levels by reducing anxiety, heart rate and blood pressure.
It is used to help prevent injuries, to prepare the body for athletic activity and keep it in peak condition, and to help athletes recover from workouts and injuries.
Sports massage has three basic forms: pre-event massage, post-event massage and maintenance massage.


The art of deep tissue manipulation is a powerful tool for change, affecting cells, posture and specific body problems, as well as changing attitudes and personal vitality.
Deep tissue massage feels a certain way when I apply it. I do not consider it an independent massage system, but a way to approach all soft tissue structures, whether they are located superficially or deeply in the body. At any time I want to be able to slow down and work deeper when I encounter localized tensions. Also, I’m not just talking about pressure. I want to work more deeply with my thinking, my listening and my whole self to facilitate therapeutic change.
It causes a change in the tissues and shape (fascia) in favor of the opening and elasticity of the muscle fibers. It acts on the flow of liquids and metabolic processes in the cells.
It contributes to the general balance of the body at a biological, nervous and mental level.
An ancient massage technique practiced throughout Thailand. It has its origins in yoga and massage in Indian medicine (ayurvèda). Combine acupressure point work and yoga-assisted stretching. Feet, knees and hands are used for stretching, pressure and mobilization.
It is not a work limited to the level of the body, because it gives happiness that is not just a muscular sensation, but involves our being in all its components.
The traditional Thai massage, in particular, is a work on vital energy and this concerns the deeper aspects of our being. A well done massage goes beyond the sensations of the body, reaches the psyche better than words, like music. For this tradition, the practice of massage is an exercise in the ‘donation’ of well-being. The masseur derives his satisfaction from the awareness of giving and doing the good of the other by practicing according to the Buddhist tradition “Metta” (loving kindness).
It improves reflexology and posture, reduces stress, muscle stiffness, tension and contractures by stimulating vital energy. He reduces the problems of stress and insomnia.